LE Academy Training Protocol
- 6-week protocol, 5 days a week
- State and local law enforcement Physical Abilities Test specific
- Includes calisthenics, running, agility, and gym-based strength and work capacity.
- Sessions are individually scaled to meet your current level of fitness.
This 6-week training protocol is specifically designed to train applicants for a general state and local law enforcement Physical Abilities Test (PAT), as well as establish a base of fitness needed to meet the fitness demands of the Law Enforcement Academy.
The program is best suited for individuals who have completed 3-6 months of our base and general fitness programming or who have at least 12-months of athletic training history. Training sessions are 4-5 times per week and it is best to complete this program 1-2 weeks out from your first scheduled PT or work capacity test.
FBI Physical Fitness Test Criteria:
• Max Sit-up (:60 seconds)
• 300m Sprint for Time
• Max Push-up (not timed)
• 1.5 Mile Run for Time
• Max Pull-up (not timed, scored only for those joining tactical units)
Going into this training program it can be assumed that you are a relatively fit individual who has completed 3-6 months of our base and general fitness programming or who has at least 12 months of athletic training history. This 6-week protocol also assumes you can devote 4-5 days per week to training and you have access to, and experience with, commercial gym equipment (squat rack, barbell, plates, dumbbells, etc.).
Ideally, you will train five days in a row during the week. This training protocol has you taking the PAT on the Mondays of weeks 1, 3 and 6. In order to “scale” this protocol to your individual fitness level, you will utilize “difficult but manageable” for the gym based sessions and a percentage of your most recent assessment score for the PAT prep sessions.
• Monday: Physical Abilities Test OR PAT Work Session
• Tuesday: Strength + Work Capacity + Prehab
• Wednesday: Base Endurance + Core Stability
• Thursday: PAT Work Session + Speed
• Friday: Agility + Work Capacity + Prehab
• Saturday-Sundays: Recovery Days
The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise or nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.
By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Epoch Ascent, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Epoch Ascent, LLC and its representatives, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.
To effectively complete this program you'll need:
- To complete this training plan, you’ll need access to a commercial gym complete with racks, barbells, plates, sandbags, dumbbells and/or kettlebells.
- Stop Watch with Repeating Countdown Timer
Who is this protocol most appropriate for?
State and local law enforcement academy applicants that want to improve their PAT scores ahead of the test as well as their overall readiness for the training academy. This protocol is also appropriate for those who have access to a fully equipped commercial/functional style gym and equipment.
What do I do if have less than 6 weeks before my launch date?
Start from the beginning of the protocol regardless and then complete as many sessions as possible prior to your assessment. Also remember to allow yourself 3-5 rest days prior to your PAT testing date.
What does 15/20/25# mean?
Most females use 15#, strong females and most males use 20#, and strong males use 25#.
Why do some of the sessions show 4-6 blocks?
The range of blocks allows for each individual to scale session intensity and length based on the time they have available that day and fitness abilities.
I could stand to lose a few pounds prior to my season. Will this protocol help me with that?
In addition to building objective specific fitness, it is also designed to help candidates lose unnecessary fat mass as well. In order to see the best results, we suggest you pair this protocol with a healthy diet that suits your current lifestyle and level of discipline. See out FAQ page for some of our basic guidelines concerning nutrition.
How should I train if I cannot maintain a 5 on, 2 off schedule?
It is ideal that you train 5 days in a row with 2 full days off for rest. If you miss a session for some reason, avoid skipping ahead and start again where you left off and complete the sessions in order throughout the plan. If you miss more than a few days in a training week you should start that training week from the beginning in order to get the most out of this training program.
I have more questions, where can I have those answered?
Please email us at training@epochascent.com